


  • 2023-11-20
  • Admin
徵才單位 清華大學幼兒教育學系
職稱 助理教授()以上專任教師1-2
收件截止時間 113122
起聘日 202481(113學年度第1學期)起聘
資格條件 一、具博士學位者。
  1. 教師應徵資料表及個人履歷。
  2. 博士學位證件影本(本國人持國外學歷者需經臺灣駐外使館/代表處認證)。
  3. 代表著作至多10篇,需附上全文。
  4. 著作目錄清單(包含已出版、已接受(附接受函)),同步註明論文發表之期刊所收錄之資料庫(例如:SSCI/SCITSSCI)、所屬學術領域(例如:JCR Web: Education and Educational Research)與排名、Impact Factor相關資訊以及作者序(第一作者/通訊作者)
  5. 曾擔任主持人之研究計畫或參與之研究計畫(須註明計畫主持人)清單。擔任主持人之研究計畫需另呈現研究計畫成果之摘要內容(中文:1000 字或英文500字內)、主要研究成果清單等。參與之研究計畫,需另呈現個人對研究計畫之主要貢獻。
  6. 曾獲得國內外獎項或榮譽之清單,並簡要說明(中文:300字或英文200字內)
  7. 曾於各大專校院教授之課程或可授課之課程名稱,及其課程內容說明(含課程概述、授課大綱及參考書目)。
  8. 可以全英文講授教育相關科目者,請附課程內容說明(含課程概述、授課大綱及參考書目)。
  9. 得提供推薦函兩封(請郵寄至:300新竹市南大路521 國立清華大學南大校區幼兒教育學系)。
  10. 其他助審資料。
交件方式 意者請於113122日下午5時前應徵資料PDF1(請依序合併)著作目錄PDF1師應徵資料表Word1E-mail至:gdece@my.nthu.edu.tw (信件主旨:應徵清華大學幼兒教育學系專任教師-應徵者姓名),並將推薦函郵寄至:300新竹市南大路521 國立清華大學南大校區幼兒教育學系。

Faculty Positions Available in the Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Department Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Position Assistant Professor and above
No of Vacancies    1
Application Deadline January 22, 2024 before 5pm (Taiwan time)
Beginning time The earliest time for employment is August 1, 2024
  1. Receiving a doctoral degree.
  2. Having expertise in curriculum and instruction in early childhood education, educational administration and leadership, developmental sciences, child care and family studies, teacher professional development, early educational technology and science education or other fields.
  3. Priorities are given to those who
(1) have experiences in teaching and supervising preschools/kindergartens.
(2) can offer courses related to preservice early childhood teachers or child care providers
(3) can offer courses in English.
  1. An outstanding researcher.
  2. Applicants may submit any supporting documents of outstanding performance, such as research, teaching, collaboration with industry, international collaboration, and interdisciplinary expertise.
Required Documents
please combine all electronic files in order into one PDF file, except the publication list)
  1. Application Form for Faculty Position and curriculum vitae.
  2. A copy of the doctoral degree diploma.
※The diploma received in countries other than Taiwan should be authenticated by the corresponding Taiwan representative office in each country. Please complete the procedure by yourself according to the documentary authentication guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan.
  1. Representative works: Published papers or books. 10 items at most. Full text of your representative works are needed.
  2. A publication list: The list contains two parts: published and accepted (acceptance letters are needed) publication. The list should be noted with the journal indexing databases (e.g., SSCI, SCI, TSSCI), academic fields (e.g., JCR Web: Education and Educational Research), ranking, impact factor, and authorship (e.g., first, corresponding author)
  3. A research project list (noted as PI or co-PI): Provide abstracts of the projects (less than 500 words) in which you are the PI. Provide your contribution in projects that you work as a co-PI.
  4. A list of rewards or honors with brief explanation (200 words).
  5. A list of courses and syllabi that you have offered in Universities.
  6. A list of courses and syllabi that you can offer in English in our department.
  7. Two recommendation letters(Optional): sent by the recommenders through email to the Recruitment Committee in our department.
  8. Other supporting documents.
How to apply If you are interested in this position, please email a PDF file of your application materials, a PDF file of your publication list, and the application form to gdece@my.nthu.edu.tw before 5 pm on January 22, 2024 (Taiwan time). Please write in the subject line of the email, "Applying for the faculty position in Dept. of ECE, NTHU- OOO (Name)"