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The Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE) was founded in 1992, consisting of undergraduate and master program.

A. Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate program aims at the preparation of early childhood professionals, including kindergarten and preschool teachers, administrators, researchers and/or developers of teaching materials and toys for young children. The ECE curriculum is formed by four cohorts of courses: Humanities, educational foundations, ECE professional courses and empowerment courses. The purposes of educational foundation courses are to provide basic trainings in education while ECE professional courses are to promote professional knowledge in all areas of early childhood education, such as child development, curriculum and instruction, art education, educational administration and early childhood special education.

The faculty of ECE shows great enthusiasm in meeting both educational and personal needs of our students. We are also deeply committed to research and community services to promote the quality of early childhood education in Taiwan. Many of our faculty members receive research grants from the National Science Council and the Department of Education of Taiwan. Our faculty also provides numerous in-service courses for kindergarten teachers in the neighboring area.

The students of ECE need 128 credits to graduate and an additional 20 ECE professional credits if they want to become a certified kindergarten teacher. Besides our regular curricular activities, our students will put out a series of children’s play each year for young children in the neighboring area. The production and performance of children’s drama help our students incorporate their learning in different areas and enhance their understanding of young children. Their efforts and performance have earned compliments from children, parents, and the public every year.

B. Master Program

The master program of Early Childhood Education (ECE) was founded in 1998. The program aims to provide curriculum and research training that reflects the cultural context of Taiwan. It emphasizes the integration of theory and practices, targeting further development of ECE in terms of diversity and professionalism.

The curriculum includes research methodology, ECE professional foundations, ECE specializations, and thesis writing. Among them, the ECE specializations encompass a variety of areas such as child development, parent education, curriculum and instruction, and ECE administration and leadership.

Students are encouraged to take courses according to their research interests. After graduation, our students have worked as university lecturers, preschool directors and teachers, and developers of ECE related materials and publications. A few of them go further for doctoral studies.

C. Faculty

The department is composed of 16 faculty members, consisting of four full professors, eight associate professors, and four assistant professors. All have a doctoral degree. The recruitment of faculty is based on department goals, which aims to include researchers of different expertise such as curriculum and instruction, education administration, child development, special education, and art education.

The faculty members not only hold a rigorous attitude in teaching and research, but also establish close relationships with students. Every year there are faculty members who undergo research projects granted by National Science Council and education related agencies. In addition to academic activities, the faculty members are also actively involved in preschool accreditation, counseling and professional development of early child practitioners.